Thursday, December 3, 2020

Load characteristics of a DC Series Motor

How does varying load current affect the Torque, flux, and speed of a DC Series Motor?

The armature current also happens to be the excitation current of the series field and hence the flux variation resembles the magnetization curve of the machine. At the large value of the armature currents, the useful flux would be less than the no-load magnetization curve for the machine. Similarly for small values of the load currents, the torque varies as a square of the armature currents as the flux is proportional to the armature current in this region. As the magnetic circuit becomes more and more saturated the torque becomes proportional to Ia as flux variation becomes small. The figure shown below shows the variation of E1, flux, torque, and speed following the above procedure from which the torque-speed characteristics of the series motor for a given applied voltage V can be plotted. The initial portion of this torque-speed curve is seen to be a rectangular hyperbola and the final portion is nearly a straight line. 

Why DC series motor should not be started at no-load?

The speed under light load conditions is many times more than the rated speed of the motor. Such high speeds are unsafe, as the centrifugal forces acting on the armature and commutator can destroy them giving rise to a catastrophic breakdown. Hence series motors are not recommended for use where there is a possibility of the load becoming zero. In order to safeguard the motor and personnel, in modern machines, a ‘weak’ shunt field is provided on series motors to ensure a definite, though small, value of flux even when the armature current is nearly zero. This way the no-load speed is limited to a safe maximum speed. It is needless to say, this field should be connected so as to aid the series field.

Load Characteristics of DC Series Motor
Load Characteristics

Torque -Speed of DC Series Motor
Torque-Speed Characteristics