Monday, October 1, 2018

Polarization Property of Materials

What is Polarization?

The orientation of a dipole along the applied electric field is called polarization (P). It causes charge density to increase over that of a vacuum due to the presence of the dielectric material so that D =ε₀E + P.E is the electric field.D is the surface charge density of a capacitor, also called dielectric displacement.


Types of Polarization:

There are four types of polarization: Electronic, Ionic, Orientation, and Space charge (interfacial).

Electronic polarization:

Electronic polarization is caused by the displacement of the center of the electron cloud around the nucleus under the applied field.

Electronic Polarization
Electronic Polarization

Ionic polarization:

Ionic polarization happens in ionic material as the applied electric field displaces the cations and anions in opposite directions resulting in a net dipole moment. 

Ionic Polarization
Ionic Polarization

Orientation polarization:

Orientation polarization occurs in materials having permanent dipole moments. The rotation of the permanent moment in the direction of the applied field causes polarization in this case.

Orientation Polarization
Orientation Polarization

Space charge polarization:

Space charge polarization arises from the accumulation of charge at interfaces in a heterogeneous material consisting of more than one phase having different resistivity.  
Space Charge Polarization