Monday, January 7, 2019

Transformer Construction

Constructional Features:

Transformers used in practice are of extremely large variety depending upon the end use. In addition to the transformers used in power systems, power transmission, and distribution, a large number of special transformers are in use in applications like electronic supplies, rectification, furnaces, traction, etc. The principle of operation of these transformers also is the same but the user requirements differ. Power transformers of smaller sizes could be air-cooled while the larger ones are oil cooled. These machines are highly material-intensive types of equipment and are designed to match the applications for the best-operating conditions. Hence they are ‘tailor-made’ to a job. This brings in a very large variety of their constructional features.

Constructional Aspects:

These can be broadly divided into:
  1. Core Construction
  2. Winding arrangements
  3. Cooling aspects

Core Construction:

The transformer core for the power frequency application is made of highly permeable material. The high value of permeability helps to give a low reluctance for the path of the flux and the flux lines mostly confine themselves to the iron. Relative permeability µr well over 1000 is achieved by the present-day materials. Silicon steel in the form of thin laminations is used as the core material. Over the years progressively better magnetic properties are obtained by going in for Hot rolled non-oriented to Hot rolled grain-oriented steel. Later better laminations in the form of cold Rolled Grain Oriented (CRGO), -High B (HiB) grades became available. The thickness of the laminations progressively got reduced from over 0.5mm to the present 0.25mm per lamination. These laminations are coated with a thin layer of insulating varnish, oxide, or phosphate. The magnetic material is required to have a high permeability µ and a high saturation flux density, a very low remanence Br and a small area under the B-H loop to permit a high flux density of operation with low magnetizing current and low hysteresis loss.

Core and Shell Type Construction of Transformer
Core and Shell Type Construction


Windings form another important part of transformers. In a two-winding transformer, two windings would be present. The one which is connected to a voltage source and creates the flux is called a primary winding. The second winding where the voltage is induced by induction is called a secondary. If the secondary voltage is less than that of the primary the transformer is called a step-down transformer. If the secondary voltage is more then it is a step-up transformer. A step-down transformer can be made a step-up transformer by making the low voltage winding its primary. Hence it may be more appropriate to designate the windings as High Voltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) windings. The winding with more turns will be an HV winding. The current on the HV side will be lower as the V-I product is constant and given as the VA rating of the machines. Also, the HV winding needs to be insulated more to withstand the higher voltage across it. HV also needs more clearance to the core, yoke, or body. These aspects influence the type of winding used for the HV or LV windings.

Concentric and Sandwich Coils
Concentric and Sandwich Coils

Transformer Cooling:

Scaling advantages make the design of larger and larger unit sizes of transformers economically attractive. Consider a transformer of a certain rating designed with a certain flux density and current density. If now the linear dimensions are made larger by a factor of K keeping the current and flux densities the same the core and conductor areas increase by a factor of K². The losses in the machine, which are proportional to the volume of the materials used, increase by a factor of K³. The rating of the machine increases by a factor of K⁴. The surface area however increases by a factor of K² only. Thus the ratio of loss per surface area goes on increasing by a factor of K. The substantial increase in the output is the major attraction in going in for larger units. However, cooling the transformer becomes more and more difficult. As the rating increases better cooling techniques are needed.
Simple air cooling of the transformers is adopted in dry-type transformers. The limit for this is reached by the time the rating is a few kVA. Hence air cooling is used in low-voltage machines. This method of cooling is termed AN(Air Natural). Air Blast(AB) method improves on the above by directing the blast of air at the core and windings. This permits some improvement in the unit sizes.
Substantial improvement is obtained when the transformer is immersed in an oil tank. The oil reaches the conductor surface and extracts the heat and transports the same to the surface of the tank by convection. This is termed the ON (Oil Natural) type of cooling. This method permits the increase in the surface available for cooling further by the use of ducts, radiators, etc.
OB(Oil Blast) method is an improvement over the ON type and it directs a blast of air on the cooling surface. In the above two cases, the flow of oil is by natural convective forces. The rate of circulation of oil can be increased with the help of a pump, with the cooling at the surface remaining natural cooling to air. This is termed OFN (Oil Forced Natural). If now a forced blast of air is also employed, the cooling method becomes OFB( Oil Forced Blast). Forced circulation of oil through a radiator is done with a blast of air over the radiator surface. A substantial amount of heat can be removed by employing water cooling. Here the hot oil going into the radiator is cooled by a water circuit. Due to the high specific heat of water, heat can be evacuated effectively. Next in the hierarchy comes OFW which is similar to OFB except that instead of a blast of air a forced circulation of cool water in the radiator is used in this.

Power Transformer Cooling
Power Transformer Cooling